Journey with Wrigley Mae

Originated February 20, 2023

My forever family have this long piece of furniture with a high back to it.  My forever sister will climb up on the high back to usually rest.  She thinks it is her throne but I think she uses it to watch me.  Anyway from time to time she will start to growl and begin to speak. Being the young one in this family I’m quickly learning her language.  Usually she senses someone on the other side of a wall that my forever parents will open (still amazes me how they do that).

So today I decided to climb onto the high back to see what was through the wall.  As I looked I could make out a long stick coming up from the ground and on the stick was something that had many colors.  White and red lines, and a blue square with white dots.  It was waving at me.  I slowly backed up, producing my very first growl and then I let out a series of my own speak.  You know what happened next?  The “something” stopped waving and became still.

Huh.  I was so proud of myself that I just jumped down from the high back thing, went into my room, and took a celebratory drink of water.

I feel a much earned nap coming up.

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