You know I have concluded that humans have a hard time making up their minds. Making one choice and then deciding on something different. Take my name for instance. When I came into this world my breeder mom called me “Sugar”. She had names for all my brothers and sisters. I played with my sister and her name was “Pumpkin”. Then my forever family came into my life and gave me the cool name of “Wrigley”. My forever dad said I was named after the field a baseball team in Chicago plays on. Hmm, I wonder if I would enjoy playing there. Anyway, back to names. Just when I was getting use to one name, my forever mom up and gave me a second name of Mae. She calls me “Wrigley Mae” because I guess I “Mae” listen and then again, I “Mae” not. Snappy huh.
Today was cold outside. Every time I would go out to do my business, I would try to pick up a leaf and they were stuck to the ground. Not fun at all. My forever parents have this thing on the floor next to the back door and when they think I need to go outside, they place my paw on this thing that makes a sound like a doorbell. They get excited and then take me outside. When I do my business, they clap their hands and give me a special treat. So, you will never guess what I did by myself tonight. Yep, when no one was watching I went over to the thing on the floor and touched it. My word my forever parents came running so excited over what I did. I felt obligated to go out and do my business like a good little pup.